Apayao State College


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

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Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Building resilient infrastructure, advancing inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and encouraging innovation are all part of Sustainable Development Goal 9. Infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation are three crucial facets of sustainable development that are covered by this SDG. Infrastructure offers the fundamental physical systems and structures required for a community or business to function. Industrialization promotes economic expansion, opens up employment opportunities, and lowers income poverty. Innovation encourages the creation of new talents and enhances the technological capacities of industrial sectors. All people’s living standards can rise quickly and steadily thanks to inclusive and sustainable industrial development, which also offers the technological tools required for industrialization that is environmentally friendly.

Apayao State College (ASC), as a Higher Education Institution in the country, is committed to contributing to the attainment of SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. The P/A/Ps under this SDG include the following:
The college has to espouse aggressive construction and strategic upgrading of facilities in order to prepare ASC to adapt to the required international standard both in its operation and physical set-up. Concretizing its face-lifting initiatives, the college made a tremendous refurbishment of the academic building located on Cubet Campus, integrating the new provisions and requirements of the National Building Code, the Fire Code of the Philippines, and the concept of green building. The climate risks addressed by the infrastructure designs of the college are typhoons, floods, and high temperatures.

Façade of the newly refurbished Academic Building located in Cubet, Malama, Conner, Apayao

Activities during the upgrading of the Academic Building

Facade of the newly implemented Research and Development Building Phase III located at Cubet, Malama, Conner, Apayao.

Milestone during the construction of Research and Development Building Phase III located at Cubet, Malama, Conner, Apayao

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