Apayao State College


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

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Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Social Research Category

The Gender and Development (GAD) Office continues its goal to mainstream Gender and Development in the institution by conducting different activities that promote equality and equity in all genders, including women's empowerment. The GAD office also complies and submits reports to national agencies such as the Commission on Audit (COA), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW). Apayao State College (ASC), as a Higher Education Institution in the country, is committed to contributing to the attainment of SDG 5: Gender Equality. The P/A/Ps under this SDG include the following:

Reymarie M. Caban


The Republic Act No. 9262 otherwise known as Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 provides the legal framework of the country’s effort to address violence committed against women and children in keeping with the fundamental freedom guaranteed under the Constitution and the Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This study determined the awareness of RA9262 among women of barangay Dagupan, Luna, Apayao. This study used the descriptive methods. There were 202 respondents who were selected through purposive sampling with the criteria that must be at least 18 years old and living with a partner or husband. Majority of the respondents were 25-65 years old, married, has 0-3 children, high school graduate and with a onthly inome of 5,001- 10,000.00. Most of the respondents expressed that they have acquired awareness on intimate partner violence from watching television. Majority of the respondents were aware of the intimate partner violence in RA 9262. There was a significant relationship between the modes of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) , civil status, number of children and educational attainment and level of awareness of the respondents on RA 9262. This study concludes that full awareness on RA 9262 through the modes of IEC is necessary to ensure protection of women and their children.

For the fiscal year 2022, the GAD office was able to comply with national agency requirements such as the submission of the ASC GAD plan and budget (GADPB) and GAD accomplishment report (GAD AR).

The Apayao State College joined the observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women on November 25 to December 12, 2022, led by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

With the year 2022 theme “UNiTEd for a VAW-free Philippines” which aims to highlight the gains and milestones achieved in the efforts to prevent and address VAW in the country toward the assessment of VAW-related laws’ implementation and strengthening of the same, the PCC supports the government’s action to sustain the drive towards a VAW-free community.

The College conducted a Kick-off program of VAWC led by Dr. John N. Cabansag, College President. Ms. Cheryl F. Olvida GAD Director presented the scheduled activities such as the Seminar on Gender-based Violence in the Workplace and the distribution of IEC materials.

Kick-off Celebration of 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Children

National Women’s Month is an annual celebration conducted every March. This is part of the worldwide observance of International Women’s Day (IWD) and in accordance with the following legal bases: Pursuant to Sec. 2 of RA 7192, otherwise known as the “Women in Development and Nation Building Act,”  the state recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men; Proclamation No. 224 s. 1988 declared the first week of March each year as Women’s Week and March 8 as Women’s Rights and International Peace Day; Proclamation No. 227 s. 1988, providing for the observance of the month of March as Women’s Role in History Month; and Republic Act No. 6949 s. 1990, declaring March 8 of each year as National Women’s Day. Filipino women, especially mothers, have been described as highly essential to nation-building. They have, therefore, been charged to fully utilize their innate talents, harness them while raising their children, and contribute positively to the growth of their homes, communities, and society at large. The National Women’s Celebration is a month-long activity that features the following activities conducted by the college: A. Information Drive Education Campaign Seminar. This event is a testament to the commitment of the institution to promote gender equality and inclusivity. The sessions ended with an open forum to address queries from participants.
Information Drive Education Campaign Seminar participated by ASC employees and students

B. Launching the GAD IEC Materials Corner. It aims to provide IEC materials accessible to all (students, employees, and other clientele) to make them aware of the existing laws, rights, and programs of the government pertaining to gender equality and empowerment. This event was led by Dr. John N. Cabansag (College President), the college and campus officials, guests, and witnesses, including employees and students.

Launching the GAD IEC Materials Corner led by Dr. John N. Cabansag, College President and College officials

C. Photobooth cutting of ribbon. This photobooth was set up through the collaborative effort of the Gender and Development Office and the WAHI Organization. The photobooth serves as an advocacy platform to promote gender awareness and equality, and anyone can take pictures.

Cutting of ribbon was led by Dr. John N. Cabansag (College President), the college and campus officials, guests and witness by the employees and students.

D. On-The-Spot Poster Making and Photo Journalism Contests. These contests aim to showcase the talent and creativity of students using digital platform to create an artwork that may be used as advocacy material to promote gender awareness and equality.

On-The-Spot Poster Making and Photo Journalism Contests participated by ASC students

E. ZUMBABAE DANCE SESSION. This activity aims to promote gender awareness, equality, and health through a dance session. The ZumBABAE dance session was scheduled every 4:00 in the afternoon of Friday.

The ZumBABAE dance session were attended by faculty members, non-teaching personnel and some interested students

F. National Women’s Month Culmination Program. The Gender and Development Office of Apayao State College held the culmination program of National Women’s Month on March 31, 2023. This program highlights the Dalus Dur-as and tree planting activities, which were conducted simultaneously. Dalus Duras aims to promote the “Bayanihan” spirit and maintain a healthy and safe learning environment through clean and green practices. Likewise, tree planting aims to proactively incorporate the role of women in taking care of the environment and to instill in the community the importance of trees in diminishing the effects of climate change.

Dalus Dur-as Day a “Clean and Green Program” participated by all ASC employees and students

Tree Planting activity was held at Apayao State College Extension Campus at Payanan, San Gregoro, Luna, Apayao

G. Distribution of advocacy purple t-shirt.
Employees received their 2023 National Women’s advocacy t-shirt

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