Sustainable consumption and production patterns are the focus of Sustainable Development Goal 12. SDG 12 focuses on encouraging resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, access to essential services, creating green and decent jobs, and improving people’s quality of life. By reducing future economic, environmental, and social costs, boosting economic competitiveness, and reducing poverty, its implementation aids in the achievement of overall development strategies. Doing more and better with less is the goal of sustainable consumption and production, which increases net welfare gains from economic activity by lowering resource use, degradation, and pollution over the whole lifecycle while boosting the quality of life.
One of the research and development priority themes is Section 3, which is environmental resource management and disaster risk reduction management. The thrust of this theme is to maintain and improve the state of environmental resources affected by human activities (i.e., the interaction and impact of communities on the environment) and climate change. Research under this theme is available on the college’s website,