Spearheaded by the Sports and Socio-Cultural Unit of Apayao State College- Conner Campus, the annual and much awaited College Intramurals 2023 at last took place in February 22-26, 2023 after three years of suspension owing to CoViD- ’19 pandemic. With a theme, “Lessening the Stigma of the Pandemic through Sports, Culture, and the Arts” the College Intramurals aims to encourage school-wide participation of all ASCians in athletics, culture, and the arts to dwindle the impact of pandemic to the rigor of life.
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the Open court of ASC- Main Campus was filled with competitive athletes from different departments, together with their supportive spectators, instructors and staffs of the College, students and other delegates as they waits for the play-offs to begin.
The Opening program immediately started after all students from different departments march forward and form a line. Constancio Maslang Jr., Director of Sports (Conner Campus) gave everyone a warm welcome and officially announcing the opening of the event. It was immediately followed with intense start of ball games⸺ volleyball (Open Court- Main Campus) and basketball (Paddaoan Elementary gymnasium), and the battle of mind and war over the board (College Library- Main Campus).
Games continued on the second day of College Intramurals but it became more extreme as the diamond field was packed with hard exchanges of bats and runs in baseball and softball. Throwing events also took place as every contender skillfully race for the longest throws of the discus, shot put and javelin.
The event would not be completed without the arts and music competition. Artists from different department showcase their talents as they skillfully produced star-studded masterpieces during the art competition held at the College Library- Cubet Campus. On the other hand, roars of thunderous claps other hand, roars of thunderous claps fell down on the Old Admin as swoon- worthy versions of OPM songs was rendered during the Pop Solo, Kundiman, and Duet competition.
In the evening of the second day of the College Intramurals 2023, the prestigious search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2023 took place. The open court- Main Campus was again crammed with spectators, students, instructors and staffs of ASC as they cheer for their favorite candidates that graced the stage with their glamorous attires, ergo, racing to chase the coveted crown.
The 2023 College intramurals are a great way to increase ASCians engagement by providing students with opportunities to interact socially with their peers, which fosters a sense of belonging, positive mental health, and greater engagement in academic and non- academic activities. Participation in this event helps students further develop their social skills, cooperation, teamwork, physical literacy and overall health.