Apayao State College


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

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Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


ASC Compliance with Section 96 (Transparency Seal) of RA 11465 (GAA FY 2020) as provided for below:

Sec. 96. Transparency Seal. To enhance transparency and enforce accountability, all agencies of the government shall maintain a Transparency Seal to be posted on their websites. The Transparency Seal shall contain the following: (i) the agency`s mandates and functions, names of its officials with their position and designation, and contact information; (ii) approved budgets and corresponding targets, immediately upon approval of this Act; (iii) modifications made pursuant to the general and special provisions in this Act; (iv) annual procurement plan/s and contracts awarded with the winning supplier, contractor or consultant; (v) major activities or projects categorized in accordance with the 0+10 point socioeconomic agenda and their target beneficiaries; (vi) status of implementation, evaluation or assessment reports of said programs or projects; (vii) Budget and Financial Accountability Reports; (viii) People’s Freedom to Information (FOI) Manual signed by head of agency, Agency Information Inventory, 2019 and 2020 FOI Summary Report, and 2019 and 2020 FOI Registry; and (ix) annual reports on the status of income authorized by law to be retained or used and be deposited outside of the National Treasury, which shall include the legal basis for its retention or use, the beginning balance, income collected and its sources, expenditures, and ending balance for the preceding fiscal year. 

The heads of the agencies and their web administrators or their equivalent shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this Section.

The DBM shall post on its website the status of compliance by all agencies of the government.

Further, based on the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems (Administrative Order No. 25 s. 2011), IATF Memorandum Circular No. 2020-1 (Annex 2 – Guideline on Transparency Seal) dated June 3, 2021, the TS shall contain the following:

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