Apayao State College formally received its ISO 9001:2015 certificate issued on May 25 this year during today’s virtual awarding by DQS Certification Philippines, Inc., a world-renowned certification body that focuses on auditing management systems and processes.

In addition, ASC has also received from DQS an IQNET-recognized certificate for having implemented and maintained a quality management system for its Instruction, Research and Development, Extension Services, and other support services.

Having fulfilled the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, President John N. Cabansag hopes that ASC will sustain its status underscoring the benefits of having an improved management system across its core functions.

He recognized the relentless commitment of the Quality Management Assurance Office with the concerted efforts of College officials and employees toward delivering the best services to students and stakeholders.

The ISO certificate is valid until May 24, 2026.

Congratulations Apayao State College for this significant milestone!

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