Apayao State College


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

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Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

Externally Funded Projects

There are external assisted projects that are ongoing of its implementation and all are towards food security, biodiversity conservation, livelihood, and technology business management.  In general, all these projects are in line with the guiding principles of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals such as GOAL 1: No Poverty; GAOL 4: Quality Education; GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; GOAL 15: Life on Land; and GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal. Funding agencies are the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Bureau of Agricultural Research, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through its Foreign-Assisted and Special Project Service, and Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Apayao.

Futures thinking and Foresight

Futures thinking and foresight Exploring an adaptive and responsive approach to driving research development, a Phase 3 Capacity Building on University Research Futures Thinking and Foresight recent activities SAVING THE BANAl,18A (Philippine E.1gle- Pichecophaga jeffery,) THROUGH SUSTAINABLE :BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIONS IN APA YAO Project 1. Socially Sustainable Technologies…

Complimentary Food Processing Facility

COMPLIMENTARY FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY The project Complementary Food Production was initiated by the Department of Science and Technology with the following objectives:To introduce affordable and nutritious complementary foods (instant baby food and snack food) using rice blended with mongo and/or sesame by providing the appropriate technologies;To facilitate the technology adoption…


SERICULTURE Sericulture Development Project Funded by DOST-PTRIThe sericulture project funded by the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI) aimed to enhance silk production and empower local farmers through the cultivation of mulberry plants and silkworm rearing. The project successfully achieved significant milestones and supported the…

BAMBOO Industry Development for Environment Conservation and Countryside Post-COVID Economic Boom Regional Collaboration Project

BAMBOO INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION AND COUNTRYSIDE POST-COVID ECONOMIC BOOM REGIONAL COLLABORATION PROJECT Upgrading of the Clonal Nursery to accomodate Bamboo Propagules- completed 7 MOAs forged 5 hectares Pilot  Bamboo Plantation were established- 2 Research Assistant hired Farm inputs and materials were purchased and distributed to the Farmer Cooperators…

Exploring Anabo: The under-utilized Minor Forest Product in Apayao

Exploring Anabo: The under-utilized Minor Forest Product in Apayao This project will investigate the importance and potential of the Anabo shrubs as an underutilized non-timber forest product in enhancing the production of a sustainable, quality fiber to support the textile industry of the region. Specifically, it aims to survey, map…

Establishing the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Office (IP-TBM) in Apayao State College​

Establishing the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Office (IP-TBM) in Apayao State College   The project seeks to establish the Intellectual Property-Technology Business Management (IPTBM) Center at Apayao State College, with the overarching goal of enhancing its services. To achieve this, several specific objectives have been identified: first, to…

SMART APAYAO: Interventions Towards Food Security for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Resiliency Amidst Covid19 Pandemic and Beyond

SMART APAYAO: Interventions Towards Food Security for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Resiliency Amidst Covid19 Pandemic and Beyond  Generally, the project aims to capacitate farmers, barangay, and municipal officials on disaster risk reduction and climate change resiliency through Science and Technology Interventions at the farm level and communities in…

Survey and Characterization of Native Fruit and Ethnomedicinal Trees of Apayao

SURVEY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NATIVE FRUITS AND ETHNOMEDICINAL TREES OF APAYAO  The Project strategically establish a Natural Textile Fiber Innovation Hub in Apayao capable of processing in its full capacity 10-40 kilograms of fibers per day equivalent to about 60 kilograms of spinnable or opened fibers ready for yarn and…


NATURAL TEXTILE FIBER INNOVATION HUB Equipment for Fiber Extraction  The Project strategically establish a Natural Textile Fiber Innovation Hub in Apayao capable of processing in its full capacity 10-40 kilograms of fibers per day equivalent to about 60 kilograms of spinnable or opened fibers ready for yarn and other textile…

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