#AmBisyonNatin2040 #SDG4QualityEducation #SDGs

The on-site and online Joint Regional Quality Assurance Team (RQuAT) and Technical Panel Evaluation for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (BSABE) programs commenced on March 13. The opening session was held at the RDE Conference Hall in the ASC-Main Extension at Conner Campus.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Agustina G. Pattung, Associate Dean, emphasized the importance of this evaluation in ensuring compliance with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) policies, standards, and guidelines. “This event is a crucial milestone in our pursuit of program excellence,” she said. “It is not just a process but our commitment and shared responsibility.”

The evaluation follows a “big brother, small brother” approach, wherein the expertise, insights, and recommendations from esteemed evaluators will significantly enhance the curricular offerings of both programs, ultimately helping the College secure the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) from CHED.

Onsite Evaluators:

Engr. Alma A. Aguilar – RQuAT Evaluator-Technical Panel (BSCE)

Engr. Dionisio R. Tandingan, Jr. – RQuAT Evaluator (BSABE)

Engr. Abraham P. Os-Osa – CHED Education Specialist II

Online Evaluators:

Engr. Ricardo Fornis – RQuAT Evaluator-Technical Panel (BSCE)

Engr. Sherwin Revereza – CHED Office of Programs and Standards Development (OPSD)

Engr. Jeff Sornillo – CHED-OPSD

Engr. Moises Cabreros, Jr. – CHED-OPSD

The program began with the presentation of Civil Engineering documents by Program Chair Engr. Arnold M. Francisco. The session then transitioned to an ocular inspection of the facilities, with a simultaneous virtual tour of the DLJT building at the Main Extension campus. Engr. Brent C. Begay, along with faculty members Engr. Angelyne C. Atilano, Engr. Eugenia V. Bagyon, Engr. Benjamin A. Feril, and Ar. Maria Ionica N. Naz, guided the technical panel through the Hydraulics, Construction Material Testing & Geotechnical, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer laboratories. The inspection concluded at the library, where the availability of both physical and electronic CE textbooks was confirmed.

While the ocular inspection took place, the RQuAT evaluators focused on reviewing the BSABE program documents, cross-referencing them with CHED’s CMO 94 series of 2019, and assessing the curriculum and outcomes-based syllabus. They were assisted by Program Chair Engr. Claire Aquino and faculty members Engr. Nympha Lachaopa, Engr. Kurt Chester Baddo, and Engr. Arjay Nejana.

In the afternoon, the closing program featured the presentation of the RQuAT team’s findings and recommendations for the CE program.

Dr. Ronald O. Ocampo, Vice President for Academics, Research Development, and Services, expressed gratitude for the evaluators’ insights. “Their valuable inputs will guide us in enhancing our BSCE and BSABE programs, improving student learning outcomes, and meeting the evolving needs of both industry and society. With the support of CHED-CAR and the OPSD Central Office, we are confident we will address these recommendations effectively,” he said in his statement of commitment.

The program concluded with a message of appreciation from VP for Administration and Finance Services Jemmarie S. Kotoken, reaffirming the College’s ongoing dedication to program excellence. “Our commitment is evident. We will ensure that our facilities and resources meet the needs of our students, creating a more robust and dynamic environment. We are ready to meet challenges and look forward to achieving our goals,” she said.

The evaluation team proceeded to Luna Campus on March 14 to inspect the BSABE laboratories and verify their compliance with CHED standards.



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