The Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) Pre-Evaluation Survey facilitated by the Quality Assurance Office-Conner Campus on August 28-29 was successfully conducted to ensure that degree programs of Apayao State College adhere to academic quality standards.

Invited evaluators from the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office (CHEDRO)-CAR were Engr. Abraham Os-Osa, Team Leader/Education Specialist (ES) II, Engineering, and Dr. Godfrey G. Mendoza, ES II, Medical & Allied Health.

Program offerings subjected to pre-evaluation were the Master of Arts in Education, the Master in Public Administration, and the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.

Meanwhile, the COPC task force led by Conner Campus QA Director May-Ann H. Galande, said that the pre-evaluation of the Bachelor of Science in Criminology has been put on hold due to the absence of its respective evaluators, however, feedback on the compliance report shall be released as soon as it has been carefully reviewed.

In addition, the compliance report of the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering offered in Luna Campus has also been looked into along with the feasibility report of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing which will be offered in Luna Campus.

After scrutiny of compliance reports of the programs under pre-evaluation and an ocular inspection of classrooms, offices, laboratories, and other facilities of the Campus, the CHEDRO-CAR Team presented their general observation and recommendations during the closing program on Thursday attended by the college & campus officials, program chairpersons, and some faculty members.

Dr. Ronald O. Ocampo, VP for Academics, Research Development & Extension Services committed that the College will ensure compliances are met by adhering to the policies, standards, and guidelines set by CHED for the said degree programs.


/Info Unit

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