BJMP Luna District heightens campaign against violent extremism

To safeguard against mistreatment and an array of threats, a “Symposium on Violent Extremism and an Overview of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in the Philippines” was conducted at EKB Auditorium on May 15-16 led by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) —Cordillera Administrative Region, Luna District Jail. First-year and second-year…

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ASC-RDE Unit capacitates CSU-Gonzaga to support Yarn Production

Dr. Maria Christina Z. Manicad, the Director for Research, Development and Special Projects and faculty of Forestry Department at Apayao State College was invited and served as a resource speaker on Natural Plant Fiber Sources during the Capacity-Building event on Science, Technology, and Innovation to support Yarn Production using Pineapple Fiber, held at Cagayan State…

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Re-Orientation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

To strengthen resilience and better address challenges and emerging risks, teaching and non-teaching personnel of Apayao State College heightened their awareness through a capacity building on Re-Orientation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management at EKB, Auditorium, ASC – Luna Campus on May 9. Ms. Josephine M. Ulayan, LDRRMO I from the Provincial Government of Apayao,…

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BSHM and BTVTEd students learn mixology techniques and table settings

Blending the art of distinguishing creations and indispensable precision, BS in Hospitality Management and Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education students were seamlessly equipped with the vibrancy of Bartending and Table Set-Up Workshop, held at EKB, Auditorium, ASC-Luna Campus on May 7. Mr. Arnel S. Rubio, a certified Assessor-Head Trainor from Cagayan Proficiency Training Center,…

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100 students to benefit from a 1-year free reskilling online subscription

A hundred ASC students will benefit from a complimentary one-year free subscription to access high-quality educational resources and training programs provided by Global Reskilling Movement (GRM), the International Affairs and Linkages Office (IAL) confirmed following an online orientation on May 8. Mr. CD Lee, GRM Program Head, conducted the virtual orientation highlighting the benefits of…

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by: Shawn Laud Business Administration Department engages in reviews and revisions of curriculum, dives into employment expertise Networking an entrepreneurial landscape for earning integral management experiences, the Business Administration Department of Apayao State College, Luna Campus revamped its curriculum and BS in Business Administration program’s objectives, held at RDE Conference Hall on April 12. During…

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