Apayao State College took a significant step toward its transformative journey on January 28 with the conduct of a Universityhood Orientation at the EKB Auditorium, RDE Building, ASC Luna Campus.
Facilitated by the Office of the College and Board Secretary, the event gathered college and campus officials, unit heads, and directors to explore the roadmap toward achieving university status.
In his welcome remarks, Dr. Ronald O. Ocampo, Vice President for Academic, Research, Development, and Extension Services (VP-ARDES), expressed his gratitude to the administrative and academic community and extended a warm acknowledgment to distinguished resource persons from the Mountain Province State University (MPSU) and the Abra Institute of Science and Technology (ASIST). These institutions shared their own challenges and triumphs in attaining university status.
“Your insights, born from experience and expertise, will serve as a compass as we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead,” Dr. Ocampo said, emphasizing the importance of learning from those who have walked the same path.
For the statement of purpose, Dr. Nobleza Sadao, College & Board Secretary, underscored ASC’s long-standing aspiration of becoming a university. Quoting the renowned Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, she remarked, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” reinforcing the significance of ASC’s commitment to this endeavor.
The orientation featured esteemed guest speakers, including:
• Dr. Demetrio P. Anduyan Jr., Regional Director of CHED-Region V (former RD of CHED-CAR)
• Dr. Christie Lynne C. Codod, Director for Internal Quality Assurance, MPSU
• Dr. Geraldine L. Madjaco, Vice President for Academic Affairs, MPSU
• Dr. Christopher Jhon R. Llanda, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, ASIST
• Dr. Maria Rebecca B. Talledo, Director for Curriculum & Instructional Materials, ASIST
These experts provided valuable insights into the essential steps and preparations required to attain university status, including compliance with Commission on Higher Education (CHED) standards, strengthening academic programs, enhancing research capabilities, and expanding community engagement initiatives.
Dr. Anduyan emphasized that the pursuit of university status is not a solitary journey but a collective commitment. Drawing from the experiences of MPSU and ASIST, he assured ASC that it will not be alone in its transformation.
“Your quest for university status is not your battle alone. It’s time to unite and work as one ASC because from there, you can gather strength,” Dr. Anduyan remarked. He also encouraged ASC to seek guidance from its “big brothers”—the five other members of the Association of State Universities and Colleges (ASUC) in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).
The event concluded with an open forum, where speakers addressed participants’ concerns and inquiries. Campus Academic Dean Dr. Rema B. Ocampo delivered the words of commitment, emphasizing the collective dedication of ASC to this transformative journey.
Meanwhile, Vice President for Administration and Finance Services Jemmarie S. Kotoken delivered the closing remarks, reaffirming the institution’s unwavering pursuit of excellence and universityhood.