CONGRATULATIONS to DR. REMA B. OCAMPO (Best Research Presenter Category), DR. RONALD O. OCAMPO (2nd Best Paper Category), and MARK NEIL A. GALUT & co-author SONIA A. BELARDE (Best Paper Category) for bringing home these prestigious honors for Apayao State College!

With ASC President John N. Cabansag, CHEd-CAR Education Specialist Dr. Mariano D. Marchan Jr., resource speakers from the University of Saint Louis-Baguio Dr. Rico Casta Jacoba and Dr. Jeofrey Almazan, and participants representing the different HEIs in the Cordillera, the Research Congress was held on the occasion of the 56th ASEAN month celebration with the theme: “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth” which took place at the New Town Plaza Hotel, Baguio City on November 14, 2023.

The ASC faculty researchers presented their research findings in the ASEAN Research Congress with the following Titles:

Development and Validation of Isnag Workbook for Grade 3, authored by Mark Niel A. Galut and Sonia A. Belarde (Co-author)

From No Man’s Land to Promise Land: Narratives on Distigmating Marag Valley’s Catastrophic War, authored by Dr. Ronald O. Ocampo and Dr. Rema B. Ocampo

Memes Tell: Issues on Distance Learning as Reflected in Facebook Memes, authored by Dr Rema B. Ocampo

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