Apayao State College


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation


Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

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Agile, Sustainable & Committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Excellence, and Innovation

Futures thinking and foresight

Exploring an adaptive and responsive approach to driving research development, a Phase 3 Capacity Building on University Research Futures Thinking and Foresight

recent activities

Project 1. Socially Sustainable Technologies and Innovations for Saving the Banamba

  • Sub-Project 1.1. Advocacy campaign and IEC on Saving the Banamba
  • Sub-Project 1.2. Establishment of Geographical Information System
  • Sub-Project 1.2. Establishment of Geographical Information System

Project 2. Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Upland Productivity in Degraded Areas of Apayao through Ecologically Sustainable Technologies

  • Sub-Project 2.1. Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)
  • Sub-Project 2.2. Rainforestation Technology
  • Sub-Project 2.3. Conservation Agriculture in Forest Ecosystem (CAFE)
  • Sub-Project 2.4. Field Gene Bank for Philippine Tropical Native Tree Species and Forest Food Crops

Project Brief
The project aims to address the critical endangerment of the Philippine Eagle. One of the Largest and rarest birds of prey by implementing sustainable biodiversity conservation technologies and innovations. Through a multi-faceted approach. The projects seek to preserve the Philippine Eagle’s habitat, mitigate threats to its survival and engage local communities in conservation efforts.

Approaches include forging partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutions, and local communities to leverage resources and expertise for comprehensive conservation efforts; utilization of modem technologies such as remote sensing, GPS tracking, drones to track habitat changes, and identify conservation priorities, advocate for the enforcement of existing environmental laws and the development of new policies for the protection of the Philippine Eagle and its habitat.

With a budget of 2 million pesos allocated towards research technology acquisition, community engagement activities, capacity building, establishment of innovative technologies with community engagement and sound conservation practices, the project will ensure the long-term survival of the Philippine Eagle while promoting sustainable biodiversity in Apayao.

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