#AmBisyonNatin2040 #SDGs #SDG17partnershipsforthegoals

An investment forum initiated by the Provincial Government of Apayao through Governor Elias C. Bulut, Jr. will open doors of collaboration between the Apayao State College, the Provincial Government of Apayao, and Taiwan.

The event, held on August 23 at the EKB Sr. Auditorium in Luna Campus led to initial discussions of a possible partnership specifically for the agriculture sector.

Jun Yu Corporation, represented by Mr. Jackie Huang and Mr. Chris Lou, presented their objectives to the PGA and stakeholders, outlining their commitment to support the province’s agricultural development. They emphasized their focus on investing in human resources as a key strategy to drive progress and modernize the agriculture sector of the Province.

Governor Bulut expressed his enthusiasm for pursuing partnerships with neighboring Asian countries known for their innovative and sustainable solutions to address critical challenges in food production.

For his part, ASC President Dr. John N. Cabansag welcomed the opportunity to establish ties with Taiwan, viewing it as a vital step in the College’s efforts to elevate Apayao State College into the global market.

Heads and representatives from various agencies, including ASC, provided an overview of their programs and services followed by an open forum, where guests offered insightful responses to key questions.

The forum concluded with closing remarks from Dr. Rema Bascos-Ocampo, who highlighted ASC’s pivotal role as “a key partner in this journey, leveraging collective strengths and resources to transform Apayao into a hub of innovation and investment.” #


/Info Unit

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