Congratulations Sir Dante B. Español, author and presenter of “Design and Prototype Construction of Solar-Powered Egg Incubator”, for winning the 2nd Best Conference Paper in the recently concluded 1st International Research Opportunities, Development and Extension Outcomes (IRODEO) held in Masbate City on Apri; 10-12, organized by the Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT).
Hats off too to the following ASC faculty researchers in their oral and onsite presentations.
Dr. Gem Micah Morales (Influence of Peers in Study Habits among BEED Students in ASC – Luna Campus)
Dr. Ronald Ocampo (Prevalence and Issues on Violence Against Women and their Children: Basis for Intervention)
Dr. Marvelyn Ignacio (Thriving in the New Normal: Metacognitive Strategy Awareness and Reading Comprehension of Teacher Education Students)
ProF. Agustina Pattung (Integration of Disaster Preparedness and Management in Apayao State College Conner Campus)
Prof. Jayjun Dubla (Documentation of Caves in Conner Apayao as Potential Tourist Destination : An Input to Tourism Development Plan)
Engr. Brent Begay (Client Satisfaction on the Delivery Services of Suppliers and Contractors at Apayao State College)
Dr. Ariel Alcones (Development of Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for Students in Environmental Science (ASE-SES)
Dr. Menardo Villanueva (Potential of Povege Plus Home-Made Biofertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Pechay (Brassica rapa L.)
Prof. Leilanie Parugrug (Assessment of Potential Pesticide Residues on Selected Pinakbet Vegetables: Addressing the Global Food Safety Concern)
Prof. Angelyn Ladera (Performance of Apayao State College Conner Campus in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Secondary Level for 2018-2023: An Instructional Input for Comprehensive Instructional Plan)
Prof. Luningning Aribbay ( Client Satisfaction on the Frontline Services of Apayao State College)
Prof. Nellievil Batay-an (From Theory to Practice: The Experiences of Elementary Pre-Services Teachers in Community-Based Reading Program)
Prof. Charlie Hidalgo (Problems Encountered on the Fundamentals of Martial Arts by the Bachelor of Science in Criminology Students of Apayao State College AY 2022-2023)
Prof. Jaybee Omaweng (From Struggle to Strength: A Glimpse into the Lived Experiences of 4Ps Recipients in Conner Apayao)
Prof. Annie Daet (Exploring Reading Fluency: An Evaluation of BSEd Students’ Silent and Oral Comprehension)