Apayao State College-Conner Campus as the venue of the 2nd Leg Regional Start-Up Caravan-Apayao Leg Technological Consortium for Awareness, Readiness & Advancement of Knowledge in Innovation Cordillera (TARAKI-CAR) took place at EKB Multi-Purpose Building on June 10, 2024.

Spearheaded by DOST-CAR in collaboration with the University of the Cordilleras Innovation & Technology Transfer Office (UC InTTO), University of the Philippines-Baguio Social Innovation Laboratory and Business Inclusion Technology Business Incubator (UPB SILBI TBI), TESDA-CAR, DTI-CAR, DICT-CAR, the two-day engaging activity aims to raise awareness on start-up and innovation, map out needs, conduct open forums, training, and info drive from representatives of HEIs, MSMEs, and start-up enthusiasts.

Day 1 concluded with the awarding of Most Innovative Idea (Project BANAMBA), Best Pitch (The Egg Hatchers), and TARAKI Awardee (CO2olers Pen) to team admin, faculty, and students, respectively, as a result of the Ecosystem Mapping Proper: Design Thinking Workshop and Mini-Pitching Competition, an application of the steps in Design Thinking as a human-centered approach in response to the 17 sustainable development goals, facilitated by the TARAKI-CAR team.

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